USAF chief says F16 won't achieve much. https://korybko.substack.com/p/the-usaf-chief-said-that-f-16s-wont

The only voices for sanity in the Ukraine train wreck tend to come from a minority of military professionals. They understand the reality of the situation as they will be the ones tasked with planning for the conflict. Woke hiring practices, political appointments, crony corporate corruption has steadily stripped these people from positions of power. The corrosion has been happening for decades in both Democrat and Republican administrations and is nearing its terminus.

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If you're not reading Simplicius the Thinker, you need to be.


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In the shadow of war: Ukraine as the great reset laboratory of the global tech elite . . .


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Documents leaked from Soros’ “Open Society Foundation” show how the Jewish billionaire behind Hillary Clinton gave orders to the State Department and manipulated media coverage of events in Ukraine . . .


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The problem is that every time the US and its puppets double down, the reputation cost of losing in Ukraine goes up.

This abuse of the Sunk Cost Fallacy is entirely intentional.

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That's indeed the issue. They make their overblown claims of turning the corner, get smacked down, so they have to double down, and so on. Their credibility is now paper thin and evn though it is moth eaten and thread bare, it's the only thing they have. When they get to the end, and that day is coming very soon - when the F16s are blown out of the sky - someone's going to reach for that last tool in the shed. That or admit defeat.....

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Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.

❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞


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Imetatronic points out the obvious because so many western fanboys cannot see the obvious. https://imetatronink.substack.com/p/the-object-of-war

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So much concern about nuclear matters, from Andrew Korybko https://korybko.substack.com/p/interpreting-the-three-nuclear-related

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Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israeli operative, the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks.

Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Visits Israel: ‘Mariupol is our Masada’ . . .


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Keep writing - In the meantime, now read this!

As for the trajectory of The United States . . .


Washington's Ukraina Grandioznaya Skhema.

The Graveyard of This Empire.


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Whenever did anyone beat Russia in warfare???

No one. Never. Not ever.

Why does anyone think they can now? All my life, I am asking, but why....why this hatred for Russia??? Do the Brits and the Franks feel inferior? Jealous? what is the problem?? In 1933, the Canadian government sent some 60,000 immigrants of slavic origin back to Russia and likely execution for treason or death in a gulag under Stalin. Don't mess with the Russians and don't pretend the "Allies" are the good guys.

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Zelensky, Biden, Satanism, War, Greed, Theft, Propaganda, Domestic Spying, International Intrigue, Treason, Sedition, FTX, Ukraine, Israel, Meta, Twitter, TikTok, Black Rock, Netflix, Amazon, . . .


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