When Ron Suskind quoted Karl Rove as saying “That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors...and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do”, who knew he was forecasting the state of the western world in the second decade of the 21st century?
British historian, Eric Hobsbawm described the 20th century as “The Age of Extremes”. We can call the 21st century “The Age of Magical Thinking.” Magical thinking is everywhere. Boys can become girls who can become boys, or whatever they want, just by wishing it so. Deficits don’t matter, growth is infinite. A minute increase in an atmospheric trace gas can destroy the biosphere and cause ecological catastrophe. The world will be unlivable in 5 years without (insert preposterous, expensive money-laundering scheme here). Free speech is a threat to democracy. Censorship is good. Trust the Science. A senile ‘old head of lettuce’ is the leader of the free world. Russia blew up its own pipeline. Epstein killed himself. Lies are truth. What is truth? War is Peace.
The neo-con infested west has been pushing for war with Russia since the mid-2000s. Russia, a gas station masquerading as a county. That backward, grim land in the east. Stupid, drunken, primitive Russia. When I travelled there in 1999, the Lonely Planet had a line about ‘if a country’s position on the civilization scale was measured in the condition of their public toilets, Russia would be at the bottom.’ It was an amusing travel anecdote (travelers always have a story about the ‘worst public toilet’), but sly digs like this just add to the general, subconscious negative impressions towards the country. I’m happy to report we didn’t have any issues with public toilets in Russia, which is more than I can say about Bulgaria!
The neo-con policy makers in Washington believe Russia today is the same as the Russia of 1999. Which is the same as the Soviet Union of 1972, of 1938 and of 1921. Which is the same as the Russian Empire of 1905, of 1815 and onwards back through history. They are fixed in their delusion and no sliver of reality will get through to them.
Everything these people have done has turned to disaster. The invasion of Afghanistan was a disaster. The invasion of Iraq was a disaster. The destruction of Libya was a disaster. The attack on Syria was a failure. The attack on Russia has been an unmitigated disaster. Yet, they have pressed on relentlessly, doubling down failure on top of failure in a headlong rush to nuclear Armageddon. Make no mistake, this is where they are leading us. While saner heads are asking “where’s the off-ramp?”, there is none by design. The whole western political class has never had to suffered any consequences from their actions for the last three decades and cannot even conceive them. Half a million dead Ukrainians? “We think the price is worth it”, to quote the sociopathic murder, Madeline Albright. Besides, the stock options on our military contracts for the insiders are soaring, so……
The next Wunderwaffen
To prolong it’s failed proxy war against Russia, the US and its western puppets, have steadily increased the supposed lethality of the weapons systems they are supplying. They started with former Soviet-era tanks, planes and weapons scrounged from the former Warsaw Pact countries, until that supply was exhausted. Then they shipped US-made personal weapons systems, such as Stingers and Javelins. They failed dismally, so the US upped the ante with M177 howitzers. They were quickly dealt with, so they progressed to Himars, four of which were deployed as ‘game changing’ weapons that would turn the Russian tide. Those four systems were quickly turned into smoking metal. Subsequently dozens more were shipped from the US to destruction in Ukraine without making a lick of difference.
Due to the blurry photos presented, it’s uncertain who’s vehicles these are. Probably Russian?
Then there was the debate about Abrahms tanks. And Centurion tanks from Britain and Leopards from Germany. Each step in the escalation cycle was ‘debated’ in the media, with meek voices expressing fake caution being drowned out by the relentless hawkish demands for more. The whole ‘debate’ is a fraud designed to give the warmongering psychopaths a tissue of cover for decisions that have already been made in private. If it is being debated in public, the weapons are on their way.
Consider the Storm Shadow missile. When UK Defence Minister Ben Wallace was ‘considering’ sending these missiles to Ukraine, he knew they were already on the ground and being integrated into the sad remnants of the Ukrainian airforce. Storm Shadow demonstrated it was just as effective as the Leopard, Centurion, Abrahms, and all of these western Wunderwaffen. After an initial success launching them against undefended civilian targets, the Russians implemented appropriate countermeasures, rendering them strategically useless. Of course, one of two will get through here and there, but they will not, cannot, change the outcome of the war.
“More cowbell!”
Several months ago the NATO warmongers and their bought-and-paid-for media mouthpieces began warning that Russia would soon be forced to resort to tactical nuclear weapons to salvage their disastrous invasion. This was of course a complete inversion of reality. ‘Rational’ NATO and US war-planners had realized that the Ukrainian adventure was going badly and had run through the options, leading inevitably to first use nuclear weapons as the only means of defeating Russia. This could not be admitted, so the messaging was inverted. NATO would be forced to respond to Russian first use…. For clarity, Russia, aware of all these deliberations, had repeatedly warned the west that any threatened use of tactical nuclear weapons against Russia would illicit the full response of Russia’s strategic nuclear posture. It was a blatant and unambiguous warning - “Don’t Even Think About It!”
But they are thinking about it, as evidenced by the trial balloons constantly being floated in the western media, disguised as ‘accidental shelling’ of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the British concocted ‘dirty bomb’ incident, in terrorist plots against the Russian nuclear power plant in Kursk, in an attempts by the Ukrainian’s to seize the Russian nuclear weapons storage facility outside Belgorod and many more.
We have edged closer to the abyss with the destruction of the Ukraine’s stockpile of British depleted uranium anti-tank rounds in Khmelnytskyi. As the contaminated cloud drifted westward, Western media ran in all directions like headless chickens, lying and denying, as they do. If only the cloud had drifted south…. then the west would have been clamoring for international action to secure the area, establish a ‘safe zone’, bring in the required specialists to find evidence of the use of Russian tactical nuclear weapons, etc. Instead, the damned wind….. nothing to see here.
Saner heads in the west are beginning to see reality and there is a slow but steady drumbeat of articles in the media calling for caution, calling for de-escalation, calling for negotiations. This is good to see, however, these voices are both half-hearted and futile. Their authors remain wedded to the idea of the noble west. That supporting Ukraine was ultimately the correct and right thing to do, but despite our best efforts, it hasn’t worked this time. It’s the equivalent of the ‘stab in the back’ theory for the German defeat in World War One, an excuse to simmer on until we recover our strength and get back in the fight. Any talk of a ‘frozen’ conflict is nonsense, a non-starter that will only extend the war for another decade (as admitted by Dmitri Medvedev, but often misrepresented in the western media). The Russians don’t need a ceasefire. They’re winning on all measures. They know the west is a lying, duplicitous, ‘not-agreement-capable’ entity, so they will proceed until their objectives are met - Ukrainian denazification and demilitiarization, de-NATOification, and Ukrainian neutrality. These objectives have been stated and restated by Putin and the entire Russian leadership.
For NATO and the west, the Russian objectives are existential in that it exposes the western political, military and financial classes as the incompetent, fumbling buffoons that they actually are. Failure in Ukraine will not only deliver defeat on the battlefield, but defeat at the ballot box and the collapse of the western financial Ponzi scheme. Too much is at stake for them and to protect themselves they’re prepared to gamble with the lives of every one of their citizens in a fiery Armageddon. That they wouldn’t blink to sacrifice a few hundred million of their lesser citizens’ lives should be apparent to all by now, having gleefully sacrificed millions already in exchange for a share in massive pharmaceutical profits.
The rot is deep and has infected all national institutions. It cannot be reformed with accountability and consequences and these people never face the consequences of their actions. Until they do, they will continue driving us headlong to disaster.
An abbreviated list of US “aid” thus far:
USAF chief says F16 won't achieve much. https://korybko.substack.com/p/the-usaf-chief-said-that-f-16s-wont
The only voices for sanity in the Ukraine train wreck tend to come from a minority of military professionals. They understand the reality of the situation as they will be the ones tasked with planning for the conflict. Woke hiring practices, political appointments, crony corporate corruption has steadily stripped these people from positions of power. The corrosion has been happening for decades in both Democrat and Republican administrations and is nearing its terminus.
If you're not reading Simplicius the Thinker, you need to be.