Thanks for the article, keep it comin'

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This happens when governments fall for their own propaganda and illusions of grandeur - one can ignore reality only for sometime and at one own's peril. Now the chickens of this failed demonization of Russia are coming home to roost -> coupled with the supply-chain issues and the amount of pure moneyprinting before and during the Covid-phenomenon, it's going to be a rough ride for Western civilisation and their political system...

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“The US was still dropping World War Two era bombs on targets in the Second Iraq War in 2003.”

They kind of had a comeuppance of sorts during the Vietnam war, when (to follow Wikipedia) the USS Forestal, in their haste to increase sorties on a particular day, suffered a mishap involving ordinance, which was made worse by the outdated WWII bombs they had scrounged from a Philippines warehouse. A lot of Vietnamese got away with their lives that day.

I wonder, didn’t the Germans get the memo explaining that colonialism is a game to be played strictly with non industrialised peoples?

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