Thanks for providing this timely document. It would appear that the Western financiers of the "Great Reset" are, in their ongoing campaign to "bleed Russia dry", are pursuing the blueprint that ultimately led to WWII. Once again there are no Western governments responsive to the will of their citizens, and are exhibiting their historical disregard for the millions of lives their obsessive avarice is placing at terminal risk. Unfortunate that this important information is generally unknown in the U.S.

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It is quite amazing to hear exactly the same arguments and stereotypes being thrown around as if all of this history didn't exist. Amazing. Crazy. Worrying.

There is more coming in relation to the west's refusal to reunify Germany in 1952. 1952! No, deepening the Cold War was more important than piece.

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Andrew Korybko's commentary on the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact dispenses with much western mythology. https://korybko.substack.com/p/the-molotov-ribbentrop-pact-was-a?publication_id=835783&post_id=141719206&isFreemail=true&r=cmkwo

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