There's a lot to William Schryver's theory that destruction of the enemy army is the only meaningful goal in a ground war, and like you, I continue to shake my head in amazement at the prancing and chest-beating over the 'Battle of Kyiv'. However, there is yet another theory - likewise an interesting one - that the Russian army is not even trying particularly hard to annihilate the Ukrainian army, instead drawing the conflict out in a leisurely, risk-averse fashion. Various reasons have been suggested for this, and of course the west focuses on the supposed fierceness of the Ukrainian soldiers. But ask yourself why the Russians have not even bothered to blow the bridges over the Dnieper, which would complicate reinforcement of frontline Ukrainian forces.

According to Jeff Brown at The Greanville Post, it is entirely possible the Russians are running a reverse con of their own, coaxing the west to pour ever more money into Ukraine, from which they get no return at all and which is bleeding the western economy. An interesting viewpoint.


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Yes indeed Mark. I mentioned briefly in my post "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes" that time was a part of the Russian strategy. I didn't however go into any detail. Unlike the west, which cannot sustain a long running industrial or economic war (both of those factors being THE essential factors for success), Russia can sustain itself for the long haul. Schryver is right - destroying the Ukrainian army is one of the keys to success. When the army collapses - as it will eventually at this rate - Kiev falls as a matter of course. Brown is also right. The Russians are almost running a Verdun strategy here, but successfully.

In 1916 the Germans assaulted Verdun, a fortified city and the sole surviving French salient on the east bank of the Meuse. The purpose was not to capture the city per se, but to draw in French forces to its defense, allowing the German's to "bleed France white." It turned into a slaughter on both sides however so proved to be strategic defeat for Germany.

Similarly, the loss of Ukraine cannot be countenanced by our political elite so they are pouring in every resource they can - money, men, weapons - and are bleeding themselves white. Wait until winter in Europe...

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Thank you for the link to William Schryver's blog. Have just read a few of his postings and I like this clear, precise and analytical style --> great read

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"Security Alert – Missile Threat Awareness"

On the web page of the US embassy in Ukraine, dated 14 of July. Weird timing, isn't it? 24 of Feb was a while ago.


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